Eurobarometer: Majority of Europeans Call for Urgent Climate Action

A new Eurobarometer survey has revealed that an overwhelming majority of Europeans (93%) consider climate change a serious global problem. The survey, conducted between May and June 2023, highlights the urgency of climate action, with more than half of respondents (58%) calling for a faster transition to a green economy, especially in the face of energy price spikes and concerns over gas supplies.

Economic considerations play a vital role in the support for the green transition, as 73% of Europeans believe that the cost of climate change damage exceeds the investment needed for sustainability. Additionally, an impressive 75% agree that taking action on climate change will drive innovation.

The survey indicates strong backing for emissions reductions, renewable energy, and energy efficiency, with 88% of respondents supporting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum and achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Moreover, 87% emphasize the importance of ambitious targets for increasing renewable energy usage, while 85% stress the need for EU action to improve energy efficiency.

Climate change is increasingly impacting Europeans in their daily lives, with over a third of respondents feeling personally exposed to environmental and climate-related risks and threats. A substantial 84% agree that addressing climate change is crucial for public health, and 63% believe that preparing for climate impacts will benefit EU citizens.

The survey’s findings align with the European Green Deal, which remains a top priority for the European Commission. Through legislative measures and commitments, the EU aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, making substantial progress through the ‘Fit for 55’ package and other initiatives.

Overall, the survey’s message is clear: there is a pressing need for accelerated climate action and a faster transition to a green economy. Europeans are eager to support emissions reductions, renewable energy, and energy efficiency while recognizing the importance of both individual action and comprehensive structural reforms in the fight against climate change.

EU Press release:

Eurobarometer: Majority of Europeans consider that the green transition should go faster

Categories: Policy🇪🇺 Europe