
Scottish Tidal Power Project sets Global Record with 50GWh of Electricity generated

tidal power

The Scottish tidal energy project “MeyGen” just achieved a significant milestone in the renewable energy sector by becoming the first tidal stream array in the world to generate 50GWh of electricity. The achievement is a testament to the power of the tides, which can provide a reliable source of renewable energy that can help combat climate change and ensure energy security.

The MeyGen project has been operational since 2017, and it has overcome many challenges, including issues with reliability in the early days. However, the SAE Renewables team has learned an immense amount along the way, and it has developed a turbine that has been in continual operation since December 2018, with an average availability of 95%.

The turbines are located 20m below the water surface off the North Coast of Scotland, where the exchange of water between the North Sea and the North Atlantic is squeezed between the Scottish mainland and the Orkney Isles. This site has some of the strongest tidal flows found anywhere in the world and presents a predictable source of renewable electricity.

The MeyGen project has also achieved a significant milestone compared to other tidal devices and sites globally. The total global generation from all other tidal devices and sites is less than 50% of the MeyGen project’s generation, which shows that the SEA Renewables technology is delivering tidal stream power at scale.

The project’s achievement is another step towards achieving net-zero emissions and ensuring energy security. Tidal power is an attractive renewable energy source because it is predictable, reliable, and not affected by weather conditions like wind and solar. Tidal power can also help to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Press release by SEA Renewables: “Meygen site generates the world’s first 50gwh of electricity from tidal power

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