In a groundbreaking achievement, the floating wind turbine DemoSATH has begun supplying clean, renewable energy to the Spanish grid. Led by Saitec Offshore Technologies, KEPCO and German energy giant RWE, this milestone marks a significant step forward in the development of commercial-scale floating wind technology.
Located 2 miles off the Basque coast, the floating DemoSATH platform features a 2-megawatt turbine capable of generating enough electricity to power approximately 2,000 Spanish households annually. This project introduces floating offshore wind technology to Spain’s energy mix, diversifying the nation’s renewable energy sources and contributing to a more sustainable future.
The commissioning of DemoSATH signifies the start of a two-year operational phase aimed at gathering critical data about the SATH technology’s behavior and its interaction with the marine ecosystem. This initiative underscores the project’s commitment to responsible environmental stewardship.
To monitor the environmental impact, specialized tools for bird and bat identification have been installed, along with systems to track marine ecosystem biodiversity, including crustacean communities, invertebrates, fish, and cetaceans. These efforts provide invaluable insights into how floating offshore wind turbines interact with local ecosystems.
DemoSATH is Spain’s first floating offshore wind turbine connected to the electrical grid, marking a significant milestone in the country’s renewable energy journey. Furthermore, it is the 5th European floating technology with a turbine exceeding 1 MW installed in open sea, and it’s the 3rd concrete-based technology to reach this level of development.
The DemoSATH floating windturbine launch represents a major leap forward in the development of floating wind energy technology. The remarkable project is also highlighting Spain‘s commitment to renewable energy and environmental responsibility. As DemoSATH starts to produce electricity and gathers data, the future of clean, sustainable energy in Spain came one step closer.